
312 / From "Presidenta da República Federativa do Brasil" / September 7, 2012 / Brazil

On Friday, September 7, 2012 5:41 PM, "falepr@palacio.planalto.gov.br" <falepr@palacio.planalto.gov.br> wrote:


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The Right Honorable Dilma Rousseff President of Brazil I am an Iranian pharmacist and send this email from Paris. 29Th of this month would be the seventh anniversary of my entrance to Paris in hope of finding a solution for a national crisis in the pharmaceutical industries of Iran. But I failed or putting it more rightly \Political Western\ failed to be faithful to their claims and moral commitments to Human Rights and democratic values! Yesterday I sent you honorable a letter by registered post (RK 72 898 963 2 FR) in which I requested the support of you and your country in favor of a big nation living their harshest period of their history in the last fourteen centuries. When I checked my documents I found I had forgotten to attach an important document from an English body on the legal status of usual technical mistakes in the pharmaceutical industries of Iran. You find it at the end of this email. The Right Honorable Miss Dilma Rousseff, my least request is that being informed of the final decision of you and your country on my request as soon as it was possible or let me kindly know how long it would take receiving the final decision. Logically any request is based on the hope of \a positive reply\ but knowing its impossibility is too much more valuable than waiting for nothing for an unlimited period of time. Respectfully yours Bagher Mohammadpour 07/09/2012 _______________________________________________________________________________ ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: MHRA Information Centre To: bmp1337@yahoo.com Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2009 5:20 PM Subject: RE: An Incredable Report From....a little pharmacist Dear Mr B Mohammad pour, Manufacturing sites in the UK and sites in countries that manufacture product for the UK are regularly inspected to ensure compliance to the EU Good Manufacturing Practice Guidelines (GMP). If a site fails to meet applicable GMP standard then their license to manufacture pharmaceuticals can be varied or revoked. If a site continues to manufacture (ie manufactures without a license and hence illegally) then Enforcement powers exist such that individuals in the UK can be prosecuted under the Medicines Act. The penalties applicable in such cases are 2 years imprisonment and/or unlimited fine. We can not comment on what should or does happens in non EU countries if Good Manufacturing Practice is not adhered to. Your sincerely B J Wright Group Manager Inspection Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency Tel: 020 7084 2000 From: bagher mohammadpour [mailto:bmp1337@yahoo.com] Sent: 02 June 2009 12:56 To: MHRA Information Centre Subject: Fw: An Incredable Report From....a little pharmacist Dear Madam /Sir I am an Iranian pharmacist with more than 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industries of Iran . The following list is not a sample, it shows the NATURE of nearly all activities which are needed to be done in a typical pharmaceutical company to be a pharmaceutical company, in nearly all domestic manufacturers of medicinals. As a colleague of you from a remote country, I like to know professional, scientific, and legal assessment and evaluation of Pharmacy, as an established international discipline, on them and that National System (including Ministry of Health) which supports them. You do not need here to hear more

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