
221 / To Prime minister of Holland / October 16, 2011 / Holland

On Sunday, October 16, 2011 2:01 PM, bagher mohammadpour <bmp1337@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: B Mohammadpour

The Right honorable Mark Rutte
Prime minister of Holland
Few days weeks ago I set you honorable a letter on a crisis in the pharmaceutical industries of Iran : a crisis which is incomparable with what is divulged till now. No part of report of Ahmad Shahid's report (below URLs) is comparable with that crisis in Duration, Coverage and Inescapability!
I have sent more than 1800 days and nights in Europe to find a country to support me in divulging this crisis internationally! But as Seneca says, it seems true that who is deprived of his country, is deprived from whole world:
'It is unbearable to be deprived of your country,... in fact from the whole world.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
(ca. 4 BCE – 65 CE)
On the other hand Victor Frankel, Austrian neurologist and psychologist, in his "Man's Search for Meaning" which is based on his long observations in "Nazi Death Camps" says "the most devastating feature of life there is Not knowing when will be "the end of" his term:
Former prisoners, ...agree that
the most depressing influence of all was that
a prisoner 
could not know how long his term
of imprisonment [Here: My term of waiting] could be.
Victor Frankel, Man's search for Meaning,
Rider, London 2008, page 78.
I will be greatly pleased and delighted if you honorable kindly let me know at least when your country's decision on my request of help is expected to be reached. Iran is in her darkest period of its history in the last 14 centuries and my life in Paris , after five years of waiting, is as intolerable and as miserable as Les Miserable hero of Victor Hugo: Jean Valjean!
Please, please, please protect me from the Hell of Iran and rescue me from this miserable life in/of Paris . I wish to bring this letter and request with tow sayings and Truths from two French philosopher and intellectuals:
The absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world
Albert Camus,
Myth of Sysyphus
Practical rather than theoretical humanism:
the only human humanism worth the name is Human Action.
Human Action for the benefit of humanity; humanity as morality.
Andre Comte-Sponville,
The little Book of philosophy
Respectfully yours
B Mohammadpour
Ahmad Shahid
the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

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