
262 / مسیح علی نژاد / December 29, 2013 / IRANIANs

On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 7:00 PM, bagher mohammadpour <bmp1337@yahoo.com> wrote to kija_ Masih Ali-nejad <Masih.author@gmail.com>;:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Mrs. Michelle Obama
The First Lady of America
1-The news of reading "The Cat in the Hat" at a community center in Johannesburg inspired with writing you this letter.
WHO as the First Lady of America has sufficient reasons and motives to read "The Cat in the Hat", surely for the very same reasons and motives would take this letter and report seriously. The attached papers are only a short report on a long and unbelievable national crisis in pharmaceutical industries of Iran: a disastrous crisis.
2-From the first days of the life of Islamic regime, infants and children and pregnant women in Iran have lived and are living under the threats of ineffective or degraded or harmful or nonstandard medicines or medicines prepared from Expired vitamins and other raw materials.
3-This crisis is the biggest case of human rights violation of all members of a nation and incomparable with all the known cases till now.
The dimensions and hazardous consequences of this crisis are so huge and unbelievable that no one in your country dared to reply my questions on the legal and social consequences of this crisis. A list of nearly all receivers of my letters and emails is attached. The first letter on this subject was sent to president Clinton!
4-Experts of pharmaceutical industries and law would confirm the disastrous nature and dimensions of this crisis.
5-My request of help DOSE NOT require any direct engagement of your country in this matter practically. I need only to be in your country to divulge this crisis internationally. For an English-speaking pharmacist having a normal life in France is impossible (regardless of his situation and professional experience) for all those reasons and causes you know better.
6-Iran and Iranians have never been in need of supports of democratic countries in their bloody struggle for their rights and freedom more than today.
7-Serious support of US government from appointing "human rights reporter" for Iran and ignoring my "unique report" on the worst case of HRs violation in Iran are not compatible by no means! The following is taken from the official statement of the Secretary of State:
Until the Iranian government brings human rights abusers to justice and protects its citizens, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and other partners will stand up on behalf of the Iranian people. http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/07/167875.htm
8-Albert Camus says "unreasonable silence of the world" is the root of absurdity:
The absurd is born of confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world.
The Myth of Sisyphus.
During the last five years, watching the descent of my hopes from the top of the mountain of reasonable expectations from democratic countries I have been the Sisyphus of democratic world: the epitome of the absurd hero according to Camus!
I hope this letter could bring an end to the absurdity of my situation mostly in favor of a nation living the darkest period of their history after the attack of barbarian Arabs!
9-My last and least request is be informed of your final decision even by few words or only a single "no" as soon as possible! I hope this request be reasonably easy enough to be fulfilled! Victor Frankel believes nothing is more exhausting than an endless waiting:
Former prisoners, ...agree that
the most depressing influence of all was that
a prisoner
could not know how long his term
of imprisonment [Here: My term of waiting] could be.
Victor Frankel, Man's search for Meaning,
Rider, London 2008, page 78.
Days are passing fast and like the stones boys throw, they are killing my life:
"Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport,
the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest."
Respectfully yours
B Mohammadpour

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