
222 / To Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations / Dec 10, 2011 / Holland

Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Publieksvoorlichting@ind.minbzk.nl <Publieksvoorlichting@ind.minbzk.nl>;
P.O. Box 20011
2500 EA The Hague 
The Netherlands
Dear P. van Doorn
Public Information Officer
Because these days Yahoo! Mail is extremely unreliable, I send you my last email by post.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours
B Mohohammad Pour

Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Dear P. van Doorn
Public Information Officer
Thank you for your informative reply; it's been very helpful.
I am fully aware that the nature of my 'request for help' would not let anything more be declared explicitly.
I did my military service during 'The War' and in war regions and since then traveling long distances became impossible to me: once our bus was attacked by a fighter aircraft and few months later 'Andimeshk Train Station' was bombarded when I was waiting to travel to Tehran.
So reaching your country by bus or train in virtually impossible. I was wondering how could you kindly help me with getting a VISA to travel by air? My Iranian passport is valid till 14.08.2013.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Respectfully your
B Mohammadpour

From: "Publieksvoorlichting@ind.minbzk.nl" <Publieksvoorlichting@ind.minbzk.nl>
To: bmp1337@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: Your request for help

Dear Mr Mohammadpour,

With reference to your letter of October 16th 2011
 I hereby inform you as follows.
If you wish to apply for asylum in the Netherlands , you should go to an application centre (AC). There is an application centre at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and there is one in Ter Apel. When arriving by plane you can make the request for asylum at the customs. When arriving otherwise you should go to a police station, and tell them you want to apply for asylum. They will give you a train ticket to the application centre in Ter Apel.
With your application for asylum you are asking the Dutch government to grant you a residence permit. The Immigration and Naturalisation Service will investigate whether you can get a residence permit or not. Under no circumstances will the authorities in your country of origin be informed that you have applied for asylum in the Netherlands .
You can get a residence permit for asylum if the following statements apply to you:
•   You have good reasons to fear persecution in your country of origin because of your race, religion, nationality, political beliefs or because you belong to a certain social group; 
•   You have good reasons to fear inhumane treatment in your country of origin;
•   You had to leave your country due to severely traumatic experiences;
•   You are not able to return to your country because the Dutch government considers the situation to be too unsafe for you to return;
•   You are a family member of someone who now holds an asylum residence permit and you travelled to the Netherlands at the same time as him or her or arrived in the Netherlands within 3 months from the date on which your family member was granted the residence permit.
The above rules are based on the Geneva Convention on Refugees and on the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECPHRFF).
You may also be allowed to stay in the Netherlands temporarily if the IND cannot decide on your application immediately. 
Your application for asylum may be refused if you:
•   Were previously in another country where you could have requested asylum before you came to the Netherlands , or if you have already requested asylum in a country other than the Netherlands ;
•   Have previously requested asylum in the Netherlands and there are no new relevant facts since your earlier application;
•   Constitute a risk to public order and national security;
•   Have provided incorrect information.
The IND can only make a decision regarding your application for asylum if you lend your full cooperation. This means that you must show the IND all of the required documents and that you must tell the truth. If you withhold information, this may lead to the refusal of your application for asylum. We aim to treat your details with care, which is why the Personal Data Protection Act applies.
We need documents that show your identity, your nationality and your travel route. And we need documents that show any periods of residence in another country and your reasons for applying for asylum.
I hope to have informed you sufficiently.
With kind regards,

P. van Doorn
Public Information Officer
Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
T 0900 1234561 or from outside the Netherlands 0031-20-8893045
(€ 0,10 p.m. and the additional costs for calling with a mobile phone,
weekdays from 09.00 till 17.00 hour)
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